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1/ Arizona dust SAE J726 fine  Arizona-Staub SAE J726 fein试验粉尘  


2/ Arizona dust SAE J726 coarse  Arizona-Staub SAE J726 grob试验粉尘


3/ Talkumstaub gemäß DIN EN IEC 60529, VDE 0470 Talc dust according DIN EN IEC 60529, VDE 0470试验粉尘


4/ Prüfstaub gemäß DIN 40050试验粉尘

Teil 9 Pkt. 7.3.1. Test dust according to DIN 40050 Part 9 Point 7.3.1. 


5/ Blowing Dust gemäß MIL-STD-810 Blowing Dust in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘

Test dust for testing according to MIL-STD-810G w/CHANGE 1

Method 510.6 Point d. (2)


6/ Blowing Sand gemäß MIL-STD-810 Blowing Sand in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘

Test dust for testing according to MIL-STD-810G

Method 510.6 Point


7/ Prüfstaub DIN EN 60068-2-68 Test Dust DIN EN 60068-2-68试验粉尘

for tests in accordance to Point Variant 3 Sand

for test method Lc1 material: Quartz SiO2


8/ Settling Dust gemäß MIL-STD-810 Settling Dust in accordance with MIL-STD-810试验粉尘

Test dust for testing according to MIL-STD 810F

Method 510.4 Point c


9/ Prüfstaub gemäß ECE R 45 Regelung Nr. 45, Revision 2试验粉尘

Anhang 4 Punkt 2.1.1  Anhang 4 Punkt 2.1.2  

Test dust according ECE R 45

Regulation No. 45, Revision 2

Annex 4, Point 2.1.1

Annex 4, Point 2.1.2


10/ Prüfstaub DIN EN 60068-2-68 Test Dust DIN EN 60068-2-68试验粉尘

for tests in accordance to Point Variant 2 Coarse Dust

for test method Lc1 material: Quartz SiO2


11/ Prüfstaub China fein, mit, grob Test dust China fine, medium, coarse试验粉尘


12/ Portlandzement Portland cement试验粉尘

Cement for Building technology / structural engineering Is an inorganic finely ground, hydraulically acting binder for mortar and concrete, which is also used as a test dust.

Portland cement is, for example, listed in the Standard JIS 8901 Class 6.

The Portland cement used by us complies with DIN EN 197-1 and the type of cement CEM II/A-LL (Portland limestone cement) The main component is Portland cement clinker 6-20 % by mass of limestone


13/ Flugasche Fly ash试验粉尘

Coal fly ash is used for example in cement as a mineral raw material and building material, in bound and unbound form.

The product has no hazardous properties and is also used as test dust. Fly ash is described for example in JIS 8901 Class 5.


14/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14081试验粉尘

based on analyses for Chinese dust, synthetically produced, developed for Roof Systems


15/ Prüfstaub Brasil / Test Dust Brasil试验粉尘

Typ M1 Typ M2 Typ M3 Typ M6 Typ M7 Typ M9 


16/ Arizona-Staub extra grob试验粉尘


17/ Arizona dust extra coarse试验粉尘


18/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 12050试验粉尘

zur Simulation von hohem Verschleiß / for the simulation of high wear


19/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14083试验粉尘

Indien-Staub S-P007/3 (synthetisch hergeslt)

für Prüfungen im Automobilbereich

Indian dust S-P007/3 (synthetic Test dust) for tests in the automotive field


20/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14084试验粉尘

Brasilien-Staub S-P007/4 (synthetisch hergeslt)

für Prüfungen im Automobilbereich

Brasil dust S-P007/4 (synthetic Test dust) for tests in the automotive field


21/ Prüfstaub Brasil / Test Dust Brasil试验粉尘

Typ M4 Typ M5 Typ M8 Typ M10 / KSL 12050 


22/ Prüfstaub KSL 11046 Test dust KSL 11046试验粉尘


23/ Prüfstaub KSL 11047 Test dust KSL 11047试验粉尘


24/ Prüfstaub KSL 11047-B Test dust KSL 11047-B试验粉尘


25/ Prüfstaub KSL 14017 Test dust KSL 14017试验粉尘


26/ Prüfstaub KSL 14019 Test dust KSL 14019试验粉尘


27/ Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14078试验粉尘

Prüfstaub / Test dust KSL 14079

Alternative zu Prüfstaub China fein! / Alternative to Test dust China fine!


28/ Prüfstaub KSL 14027 Test dust KSL 14027试验粉尘

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